Phāea Plan Bee

The PHĀEA PLAN BEE initiative is based on the need to strengthen the pollinators, and more specifically bees, which are the greatest pollinators in Europe.

Through the last decades, there has been a major decrease in the number of pollinators due to climate change and the already existing environmental pollution. The change in land use, the loss of habitats, the intense agricultural management with the parallel use of pesticides, as well as the presence of invasive alien species and diseases are the key factors in the rapid decline in the number of individuals of various species of pollinators, especially the bees.

Blue Palace
Phāea Resorts are proud to partner with like-minded organizations to find inclusive, sustainable hospitality solutions. One of the most visible is our joint effort with Local Food Experts. Through this collaboration, we’re committed to raising awareness and creating and maintaining apiaries and bee-friendly hotels. In the context of disseminating the protection of pollinators, we have installed beehives in Blue Palace Resort and have worked towards creating a bee-friendly landscape with gardens and plants of intense flowering throughout each season and abundant water sources.

We’ve installed beehives cameras to collect data on bees’ behavior. Our staff has received an extensive training towards raising awareness around the protection of the pollinators. Our ultimate goal is to strengthen the pollinators’ activity and especially that of the bees – the greatest pollinators in Europe.
Just Bee Friendly
Live Streaming from our Beehives
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